Thursday, October 7, 2010

Quick quote about the theistic proofs (or Binx is a cool name)

Binx Bolling’s journal entry in Walker Percy’s The Movigoer:


Starting point for search:

It no longer avails to start with creatures and prove God.

Yet it is impossible to rule God out.

The only possible starting point: the strange fact of one’s own invincible apathy – that if proofs were proved and God presented himself, nothing would be changed. Here is the strangest fact of all.

Abraham saw signs of God and believed. Now the only sign is that all the signs in the world make no difference. Is this God’s ironic revenge? But I am onto him.

1 comment:

harrison said...

Wow. To say "But I am on to him" is so daring.

What he's writing about is the "alienation of the mind" found in Col 1 and the need for the "transforming of the mind" in Rom 12. Or if you like, Dan Baer's famous quote: "You've gotta change the way you think."

This is way true. Isn't there a verse that says something like "even if the signs were presented to the wise of this age, they would still not believe?"

- so the gospel is the power by which God can open our eyes, ears, hearts to see true reality. It roots out the stubbornness that makes so much of scholarship a complete joke.

More of that! I just bought the book on tape.